What Problem Are You Passionate About Solving?

Minerva University is intentionally designed to develop emerging leaders, problem-solvers, and entrepreneurs committed to a safe, sustainable and equitable future.


Most Innovative University
in the world 2022 & 2023
Minerva University is proud to be ranked #1 Most Innovative University in the World by World's Universities with Real Impact (WURI)
Minerva University
Strengthens Commitment to Sustainability Through
Partnership with EARTH University
Minerva University, known for its innovative, global approach to higher education, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with EARTH University in Costa Rica.
Q&A: Minerva University
incubates ethical AI for the
greater good of the world
The Masason Foundation/Minerva University AI Research Lab is a collaborative AI research and start-up incubation program for undergraduate students.

The Minerva University Approach

Our undergraduate program is designed to develop the leaders and problem-solvers of our future.

Global Immersion

True learning comes from participating in the world firsthand. Throughout the global rotation you will engage in rich cultural experiences, learn how to navigate new and unfamiliar contexts, develop connections with local communities, and have opportunities to immerse in challenging global programs.

Small Dialogue-Based Seminars

All classes at Minerva University are discussion-based seminars with around 20 students. Taught by faculty trained to teach for the most effective learning, your education will take both an interdisciplinary and concentrated approach.

Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning

Knowledge developed in class is immediately applied in culturally immersive and interdisciplinary project-based opportunities around the world. Minerva University students are exposed to an abundance of experiential opportunities.

Recent and current rotation cities for undergraduate students


San Francisco




Buenos Aires









A New Kind of Classroom


At Minerva University, technology is used as a conduit to intentionally improve the educational experience.

All of our classes take place via a virtual learning environment and are small discussion based seminars with around 20 students that spark dynamic, energetic, and stimulating class experiences.

A Dynamic Education

Take part in an interdisciplinary approach to learning that immerses you in the coursework and enables you to critically engage with a growing range of interesting subjects and topics. Foundational courses focus on developing abilities to think critically and creatively, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others.

Intimate Classes, Rigorous Learning

Collaborate in classes in which you are encouraged to engage with their peers and professors, debate your opinions, and share your views. The impact of your education is enhanced through an active learning environment paired with a curriculum focused on developing core competencies needed for leadership, innovation, and global citizenship.

Technology as a Conduit

Move fluidly between lively discussions, breakout groups, debates, simulations, and more to enhance your understanding. You will receive individualized evaluations from engaged professors who use class time data, quiz scores, and grading to offer precise feedback.


Rue Hong

Class of 2026

United States
Rue Hong is an American student interested in pursuing a Computational Sciences major. She knew she was searching for an unconventional college experience, so Minerva University's active learning curriculum and global rotation seemed like a natural next step in her educational pursuit.
Alexis Diamond, Ph.D.
Professor Alexis Diamond is one of the world's leading experts on impact evaluation in international development and public policy. Prior to Minerva University, he led program evaluation for nearly a decade at IFC, the private-sector development arm of the World Bank. He earned his Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard, and a M.A. in International Development from Carleton University.

Undergraduate Career Development

of first-year students collaborated on a team-based project with students from different backgrounds.
of alumni have confirmed a full-time role or been admitted to a graduate program six months post-graduation.
of students have had a professional internship as they enter their fourth year.
of students secured internships after their first year.

Get Professional Guidance

Lay the foundation for a meaningful life and career through personalized coaching and curated resources. Minerva University will support you continuously throughout your career and help you excel.

Gain Real-World Experience

Take part in professional opportunities that prepare you for a fulfilling and impactful career after graduation.

Build Your Global Network

Nurture a global network of peers, mentors, advisors, and champions to expand your knowledge, access opportunities, and forge connections.
A Minerva University education offers an experience that is as innovative, thorough, and multidimensional as you are. Are you ready to take on the challenge of your life – preparing for a life’s work creating change?
Graduate programs at Minerva University teach you how to think rather than what to think in synchronous, interactive, online classes. You will grow into a problem-solving, data-driven change agent with the skills to solve the world’s biggest problems.

Learn More About the Minerva University Experience

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