Application Advice – 6 Tips for Doing Your Best on Minerva's Challenges

by the Minerva Admissions Team
September 30, 2022

Tests can be really intimidating. Studying for tests is usually more about the test strategy, and not necessarily about measuring one's actual skills. Though frustrating, tests like the SAT are still required when applying to many competitive universities in the United States, despite scores not necessarily reflecting an accurate view of a student’s intellectual skills and abilities.

Minerva’s admissions process was designed to fix these systemic issues, simultaneously resulting in a fairer (and less costly or time-consuming) application. For example, the Challenges, which are just one part of the admissions process, measure how you think across different dimensions — not your ability to memorize information, pay for pricey tutoring, or employ test strategies.

Because the Challenges are so unique among university admissions, our applicants often ask how they can prepare.

Challenges Overview.jpg

Here are the most important aspects to remember to ensure you do your best on the Challenges:


This may be surprising, but once you complete the Challenges you will understand. There is nothing you should (or could) study beforehand. This is not because the material is too difficult, but rather because the tasks do not require that you memorize information.


The Challenges are designed to be a reflection of how you think — not how a calculator, website, or someone else thinks. Do not translate any part of the Challenges, as they are required to be taken in English. The use of these aids is not permitted, but a paper and pencil or pen to take notes is fine.


We are committed to allowing all students to apply without a fee and take the Challenges whenever it is convenient. We are also proud that we admit only those students who truly meet our standards for admission. But, that means we must be confident that no one cheats. Please help us continue to uphold these fair practices by taking the Challenges without additional support, and by having a working webcam and microphone.


You will complete the Challenges faster than you think. Though you cannot study for them, you can give yourself the advantage of being fully awake and alert so you can perform your best. You can complete the Challenges all at once, or at your own pace. Just remember you need to complete all of them before the admission cycle's deadline.


All challenges are timed, and the time goes by quickly! Optimize that time by avoiding potential interruptions: a) Turn off notifications on your desktop computer and your phone, b) close all the tabs you are not using to make sure you have a stable internet connection, and c) let people around you know that you need some privacy. The Challenges can be fun so friends or family walking by may be intrigued and want to ask you questions. Do not let others’ curiosity disrupt you.


It is something we all do, but if you have a webcam, microphone, and 1.5 hours of quiet time, you can complete all of the Challenges in one sitting! You cannot study, so putting them off won’t give you any extra advantage. Completing the Challenges, however, means you will be done with the largest section of Minerva’s admissions process.

We hope these tips were helpful. Remember: you can do it! In fact, in the time it’s taken you to read these tips, you could have completed one or more of your Challenges.

For any further questions, please contact the Admissions Team at admissions@minerva.edu.

Quick Facts

Business and Computational Sciences
Business and Social Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Business, Social Sciences
Business & Arts and Humanities
Computational Sciences
Natural Sciences, Computer Science
Computational Sciences
Arts & Humanities
Computational Sciences, Social Sciences
Computational Sciences
Computational Sciences
Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
Social Sciences, Natural Sciences
Data Science, Statistics
Computational Sciences
Computational Sciences, Data Science
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Business, Natural Sciences
Business, Social Sciences
Computational Sciences
Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Computational Sciences, Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Computational Sciences, Social Sciences
Business, Social Sciences
Computational Sciences
Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences
Arts & Humanities, Social Science
Social Sciences, Business
Arts & Humanities
Computational Sciences, Social Science
Natural Sciences, Computer Science
Computational Science, Statistic Natural Sciences
Business & Social Sciences
Computational Science, Social Sciences
Social Sciences and Business
Arts and Humanities
Computational Sciences
Social Sciences
Social Sciences and Computational Sciences
Social Sciences & Computational Sciences
Social Sciences & Arts and Humanities
Computational Science
Social Sciences
Machine Learning
Cells, Organisms, Data Science, Statistics
Arts & Literature and Historical Forces
Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science
Cells and Organisms, Mind and Emotion
Economics, Physics
Managing Operational Complexity and Strategic Finance
Global Development Studies and Brain, Cognition, and Behavior
Scalable Growth, Designing Societies
Drug Discovery Research, Designing and Implementing Policies
Historical Forces, Cognition, Brain, and Behavior
Artificial Intelligence, Psychology
Designing Solutions, Data Science and Statistics
Data Science and Statistic, Theoretical Foundations of Natural Science
Strategic Finance, Politics, Government, and Society
Data Analysis, Cognition
Brand Management
Data Science and Statistics & Economics
Cognitive Science & Economics
Data Science and Statistics and Contemporary Knowledge Discovery
Higia Technologies
Project Development and Marketing Analyst Intern at VIVITA, a Mistletoe company
Business Development Intern, DoSomething.org
Business Analyst, Clean Energy Associates (CEA)


Tests can be really intimidating. Studying for tests is usually more about the test strategy, and not necessarily about measuring one's actual skills. Though frustrating, tests like the SAT are still required when applying to many competitive universities in the United States, despite scores not necessarily reflecting an accurate view of a student’s intellectual skills and abilities.

Minerva’s admissions process was designed to fix these systemic issues, simultaneously resulting in a fairer (and less costly or time-consuming) application. For example, the Challenges, which are just one part of the admissions process, measure how you think across different dimensions — not your ability to memorize information, pay for pricey tutoring, or employ test strategies.

Because the Challenges are so unique among university admissions, our applicants often ask how they can prepare.

Challenges Overview.jpg

Here are the most important aspects to remember to ensure you do your best on the Challenges:


This may be surprising, but once you complete the Challenges you will understand. There is nothing you should (or could) study beforehand. This is not because the material is too difficult, but rather because the tasks do not require that you memorize information.


The Challenges are designed to be a reflection of how you think — not how a calculator, website, or someone else thinks. Do not translate any part of the Challenges, as they are required to be taken in English. The use of these aids is not permitted, but a paper and pencil or pen to take notes is fine.


We are committed to allowing all students to apply without a fee and take the Challenges whenever it is convenient. We are also proud that we admit only those students who truly meet our standards for admission. But, that means we must be confident that no one cheats. Please help us continue to uphold these fair practices by taking the Challenges without additional support, and by having a working webcam and microphone.


You will complete the Challenges faster than you think. Though you cannot study for them, you can give yourself the advantage of being fully awake and alert so you can perform your best. You can complete the Challenges all at once, or at your own pace. Just remember you need to complete all of them before the admission cycle's deadline.


All challenges are timed, and the time goes by quickly! Optimize that time by avoiding potential interruptions: a) Turn off notifications on your desktop computer and your phone, b) close all the tabs you are not using to make sure you have a stable internet connection, and c) let people around you know that you need some privacy. The Challenges can be fun so friends or family walking by may be intrigued and want to ask you questions. Do not let others’ curiosity disrupt you.


It is something we all do, but if you have a webcam, microphone, and 1.5 hours of quiet time, you can complete all of the Challenges in one sitting! You cannot study, so putting them off won’t give you any extra advantage. Completing the Challenges, however, means you will be done with the largest section of Minerva’s admissions process.

We hope these tips were helpful. Remember: you can do it! In fact, in the time it’s taken you to read these tips, you could have completed one or more of your Challenges.

For any further questions, please contact the Admissions Team at admissions@minerva.edu.